MEET The pitch

Monday 17 June 6.30pm - 7.30pm

  • Are you a creative storyteller who can respond imaginatively to an adaptation brief?

  • Are you keen to work collaboratively with experienced producers and crew?

  • Are you ready to work with a £30,000 budget to bring your vision to life?

Join us on Monday 17th June at 6.30pm to discover more about The Pitch Film Fund and why you should enter with your next short film idea.

The Script Factory team have been involved with the brilliant Pitch Film Fund for the last ten years.  We genuinely believe it’s one of the best opportunities in the UK for emerging film-makers, not least because they fund both a DRAMA SHORT FILM and a COMEDY SHORT FILM to the tune of £30,000 each, but also because they offer a comprehensive package of development support and training for all entrants and finalists.  Even if you don’t win, it’s an amazing network to become part of.

To enter you will need to conjure up a two-minute pitch for a short film based on a Bible story or verse.  Before you panic that you’ve never read any of the Bible, rest assured that this isn’t a brief to make a faith-based film.  Rather it’s an opportunity to engage with one of humanity’s oldest and most enduring cultural artefacts and explore how the stories within that text might resonate with our lived experience today.

Take a look at the Enter The Pitch website to see the sheer range of pitches that have been submitted in previous years and view some of the award-winning films this initiative has produced.

Have questions? 
Working on an idea already?

Book your place now to hear director Luke Bradford talk first-hand about his experience of winning the competition and making his powerful revenge thriller ‘White Gold’. And pose all your questions about the scheme to Pitch founder and producer Luke Walton.

See you there!

Book Your Place

To join us for this exclusive free session on Monday 17th June please complete the form.

Once booked we will send you the link to watch ‘White Gold’ which we’d love you to watch before the session. Please check your junk folder if you do not receive this.

You will receive a Zoom Link to the workshop on Sunday 16th June.